Clinical Terms

Effective Date: July 28, 2021

Your receipt of clinical services (“Clinical Services”) from healthcare providers that contract with Heartbeat Health, Inc. (“Heartbeat Providers”) is subject to your agreement to these Clinical Services Terms and Conditions (these “Terms”). These Terms supplement the Heartbeat Health Inc., Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, and the Notice of Privacy Practices provided by the Heartbeat Providers.


You must be at least 18 years of age to receive the Clinical Services.


By agreeing to these Terms, you grant consent to the Heartbeat Providers to medically care for you in person, and if applicable, via synchronous and asynchronous technology. Your consent remains in effect after a diagnosis has been made and treatment has been recommended. You may withdraw this consent by ceasing to seek care from the Heartbeat Providers.

You agree that encounters with the Heartbeat Providers could involve remote services, including via phone, email, and telephone app, and may involve a variety of medical practitioners.

The provision of Clinical Services via remote technology may include electronic transmission of patient medical records, medical images, or other patient data; synchronous and asynchronous interactions via audio, video, and data communications; automated or digital tools for diagnosis, care, treatment and/or communication pertaining to healthcare or medical matters; and output data from medical devices, sound and video files. It may be possible that your condition cannot be treated via telehealth, or that information transmitted through telehealth may not be sufficient or of too poor of image quality, or insufficient information or data to allow for appropriate medical decision making. Accordingly, you may be required to seek additional in-person medical care, alternative healthcare or emergency services. You agree that if your health or medical problem or condition persists after the receipt of the Clinical Services via telehealth, you will immediately contact your medical services provider and seek appropriate additional in-person medical care or emergency care, as appropriate.


The Clinical Services provided by Heartbeat Providers are not appropriate for emergency services.


If the medical services provided to you by Heartbeat Providers are covered by your health plan, you authorize us to charge the health plan for such services and agree to pay any co-payment due under your health plan terms. If health plan coverage is not applicable, you agree to pay us the self-pay rate for any use of the Clinical Service by you.